Take Care To Avoid Sucking Up These Things With Your Vacuum

5 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Sucking up the wrong thing with your vacuum can lead to a blockage, which can require you to take the machine to your local vacuum service professional. While you'll be happy to get the machine back in proper working order in a short amount of time, you'll feel slightly silly if you learn that the issue was entirely preventable. There's little doubt that it can occasionally be tempting to suck up different objects with the vacuum and hear them rattle their way through the hose, but doing so can risk a problem. It's better to pick many things up by hand and dispose of them in the garbage, leaving your vacuum for collecting dust, hair and other small things. Here are some things to make sure that you never suck up.

Spilled Liquids

When you have children, spilled liquids can be a regular occurrence. However, most average vacuum cleaners aren't designed to suck up liquids or anything moist. The result can be severe damage to the machine. Additionally, if the liquid is something that will spoil, such as milk, the vacuum cleaner can adopt an unpleasant odor before long. It's best to soak up spilled liquids with a cloth and then dry the area thorough with a towel.

Fine Powders

It might seem like common sense to vacuum up fine powders, whether it's baby powder spilled in the bathroom or flour spilled in the kitchen. While your vacuum will suck up some of these powders, you might find yourself quickly making a mess as you attempt to clean the area. Fine powders can easily flow through the vacuum cleaner's filter and be blown out on the floor—even as you're trying to clean the floor up. Use a wet rag to easily pick up such spills to avoid complications with your vacuum.

Broken Glass And China

When your child drops a glass, bowl or plate on the kitchen floor and it shatters, your first instinct might be to grab the vacuum and start cleaning the mess. The concern with this approach, however, is that the sharp shards of glass or china could easily slice through the vacuum bag and cause damage, as well as possibly get lodged partway down the hose. It's better to pick up the large pieces with gloved hands, place them in the garbage can and then use a broom and dustpan to collect the smaller shards.

For more information, contact companies like Lincoln Vacuum.